Well, as luck would have it, wifey and our weekend company have gone out for a while, and I had to make every excuse in the book not to go with them, so as to have some alone time to sit in front of my computer and surf for hard core porn and masturbate.
Knowing that they would be gone for about 30 minutes, it was going to be a short but intense masturbation session, and I had to get business at hand and get the job done within that time frame.
Trying not to waste any time, it was a fast trip to lock the door and grab my tube of KY once they all drove away, and a hasty retreat to the computer room, where my pants were at my ankles before my ass was in my chair.
My stiff cock was craving the attention that it so deserved, and once logged on to the computer and viewing my favorite website, I got down to business.
Because I had a chance to masturbate only yesterday, my attempt is to try and make up for lost masturbating time.
Once my hand began stroking my cock, the first of a series of pleasure pulses came, and I knew that it was going to be a great session today.
Stroking away and clicking on as many naked women pictures as fast as they would download but only look at them for a few moments, because today I wanted to get as much mileage out of masturbating as I could because I have no idea when I will be able to have time to be alone and masturbate.
After about 10 minutes of surfing and stroking, my cock now wanted to ejaculate.
With pleasure pulses getting closer together and more frequent, it was only a matter of a few more strokes, and I was going to cum.
Sure enough, when the pictures above appeared, I just had to cum.
Beautiful women that look like super models are nice to look at, but it is the average housewife with the stretch marks, saggy tits, and cellulite that really get my going.
There is something about the average housewife that sends my cock into orgasm, and today it was just that.
One hell of an intense orgasm had been reached from the stroke of my hand as I shot cum into the palm of my hand.
Once my orgasm had subsided, I just looked over these pictures for several moments and just admired her beauty.
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