Today was not a good day to get out of bed and face the world.
Seems that this flu bug that has been going around looking for a home and has found me and set up residence.
Needless to say, that now I am feeling like crap and feel like I should crawl under a rock and die.
Ok, not quite that bad, but I do feel like hell to say the least.
Not wanting a little bug to hold me down totally, I did get up for a while today to go the bathroom, and then check my email.
Whilst at sitting at the computer my hand motioned the mouse over to the internet button and opened up a web browser page.
It was like my hand was on auto pilot, because after logging on, it went on to type in the web address of my favourite website.
Once I was inside the website, my surfing started, and I had no idea what I would be in for today.
To my surprise, after surfing for about 5 minutes, my cock began to tingle and get quite hard.
Not wanting to waste a good woody, I thought that since wifey was out for the day at work, I would sit for a while and see if I had the energy to masturbate.
Since I was still in my pyjamas, there was no need to go to much trouble to drop my bottoms and start stroking my hard cock.
Almost forgetting to get the tube of KY, another trip was made out of the room to get it.
Upon my return, the first order was to drop my drawers, lube up my stiff cock and start to stroke away.
Not wanting to sit too long at the computer, I thought that a short masturbation session would be the order of the day.
Not so.
My cock didn’t want to have a short play time, it wanted a long marathon session.
Stroking my cock did not give me the sensation that it should have, and that is how I determined that it would be a long session today.
Sitting here for almost an hour and 15 minutes surfing, I literally came across the cute young lady posted above.
When I came across her images on the screen, my cock suddenly had some sensation, and it started to strongly pulse as if it wanted to blow its cookies right then and there.
One can honestly say that I really did cum across her images.
After sitting and stroking myself for that long of a period of time, both my cock and arm wanted relief.
Relief came or rather I came to give myself relief.
This sweet thing did something to me, and when my cock erupted, it spewed forth only a small amount of cum, probably because I am under the weather, but with a strong powerful orgasm.
Mission accomplished.
This young lady managed to get me off.
Now that the fun was over, I had to hurry and clean up my mess because I was totally exhausted.
After cleaning up the small amount of cum, and put the KY back into its place of storage, it was back to the computer to post the pictures and update.
Since this is the second last day of the year, it will also be my last masturbation session of the year as well.
Since wifey is home tomorrow, and I not up to par on my state of health, this it is for the year.
It has been a good year as I look back on 2006, and had a lot of fun playing with myself to so many orgasms.
Perhaps next year will be a batter year and I can masturbate more often.
Since the rules set out at the beginning of this year never got followed to closely, there are only 2 rules for 2007.
1. Masturbate whenever you feel like it.
2. Masturbate more than once a day if you want and conditions permit.
This way there are no rules to break, I just do as I please.
If wifey wants to masturbate me, she is more than welcome to and I will try to get intimate whenever she feels like it.
I can try and bury my face in her pussy as often as I can as well because I love to eat pussy.
Hopefully things will be different next year.
Tomorrow night if this bug lets up some, I might even try to talk wifey into giving me a hand job before the year is out, or at the beginning of the new one.
Will keep you posted as to what goes on.
Have a Happy New Year, and masturbate all you can, because you have the power to do it whenever you want to.
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