Merry Christmas to all you masturbators out there in the world..
Today I obeyed the orders from the Christmas Carol “Ok Cum All You Faithful”, so you must obey the orders as well.
And since I am faithful, to both my wife and my hand, it was only fitting to cum today.
One could not resist pulling out their cocks and masturbating to the sweet young thing pictured in the top 4 images.
Today there came the opportunity to come into the computer room and masturbate.
The company that is here visiting has gone out along with wifey.
So you know what that means.
It means that I have a chance to sit in front of the computer and pull my pants to my ankles and masturbate.
Not knowing how long they are going to be out, I had to make it a short 15 minute masturbation session.
The order of the day was not to masturbate, it was only to surf and see what the ladies were that posted today.
That all changed once that sweet looking thing at the top of the page appeared.
One could not resist any longer, so off I went to get that tube of KY and head straight back to the computer room to play with myself.
It was a great orgasm that came when I was looking at her sweet face as I blew my load into the palm of my hand.
Hell, who could resist not cumming to that sweet face?
Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy her as much as I did when I came.
Let me know what you think.
The other pictures were posted so that you could see what a nice smooth and hairy pussies look like.
They just seemed like nice pictures to post here to give a bitof variety to the post.
Can you just imagine yourself on your knees with your tongue buried deep inside this lips or vaginal opening?
I sure can, and can almost smell the sweet perfume that only a pussy can have.
Eating pussy is one of my favorite things to do besides masturbating, but wifey will not let me do it as often as I wish to.
Even though it was one of the rules that I had made up to try to follow earlier in the year, it never really came to fruitation, like most of the rest of the rules on that list.
Perhaps I should find a willing and discrete lady out there that wants to have her pussy licked on a regular basis.
Something that I have to give some serious thought to, as there can be some severe concequenses forom wifey it she were to find out about it, that is, if it were to hapen.
More on that later, after it gets some long and serious thought on my part.
In the mean time, please masturbate and enjoy your self pleasures today, it is the proper thing to do on such a day as this.
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