Ok, it has been a couple of days since my last posting.
In an effort to reduce the number of times per week that I masturbate, it has been a real chore to refrain from surfing the net for all the pictures of scantily clad or naked women.
This is one of the hardest, (and no, my cock is not the subject here) things to try and attempt this last while.
After thinking of all the times in the past that I have masturbated, every attempt to tell a story from out of the past will be made.
Many years ago, there was this lady that was hot after my body, and would do just about anything to have me.
She had a very open mind, and took every opportunity to make sure that "Little Head" was satisfied, and unable to penetrate the depths of my current wife when we had a chance to get into bed and enjoy some intimate sex.
Since I was going with the wife at the time, and this second lady was a tenant below me in an apartment block.
We got off (no pun intended here, as this was before any sexual activities occurred) to a bad start that would remain for the rest of our relationship.
She had a fiery temper, and that matched her flaming red hair.
Anyway, we did sort of become friends, and eventually we started having coffee together on a regular basis.
Since she had a couple of very young kids, it made it difficult to have any alone time so it became a routine that she would head upstairs to my apartment after watching the future wife head off to her own place.
No sooner had the wife left, and there was this thump, thump, thump from the stairs as she was waddling her way into my apartment for a little fun and erotic times.
When I say waddle, it was a sort of waddle when she walked, as she had large hips and thighs, and tits that were very large and firm and it looked like a waddle the way she carried herself.
She was a rather large woman, but not overly fat, except from the hips down, and at times I thought her head was too because of the stupid things she did, since there was not much chance to reason with her when she was angry.
After a few weeks of this routine, I began to get a bit scared that the wife was going to head back and walk into the apartment saying that she had forgotten something, and catch the two of us in a compromising position. That would be very difficult to try and talk my way out of because there we would be me with my pants at my ankles and “Red” with my cock in her hand or mouth.
Of course, having that redhead temper, we got into a fight, and at times about her traipsing upstairs before the wife’s car had left the parking lot, and she would be on her way upstairs ready to start pulling out my cock and getting it to blow it’s load.
These fights got very ugly and dangerous on many an occasion.
"Red" would grab whatever was close at hand, and was ready to use it, whether it was a butcher knife or a rolled up newspaper, it was her weapon to get back at me for depriving her from my cock.
So, anyway, back to the sexual activities and her addiction to my cock.
Since she really wanted to have me for her own, and was extremely jealous of the wife, she always wanted to make sure that I was not wanting to get too sexually involved with the wife, and would insist, yes, insist that she either jack me off every night, or suck my cock so that it was sexually satisfied, and hard to arouse for sex with anyone else.
Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoy getting a hand job this often, having my cock sucked or intimate sex on a regular basis, but keeping my cock limp from over use was an obsession to her.
She had to do this every night.
It was heaven, her hands on my cock, and me trying to get her to let me lick her pussy.
All she wanted was to get me off at what ever means she could.
We tried every thing we could sexually, anal sex, vaginal sex, sucking cock, jacking me off, cross dressing and even titty fucking.
Now that was a treat in it's self.
With her large 38C tits, and a little KY, she would really enjoy watching my cock slide up and down between her tits, and cooed whenever I shot my load between her tits.
And I liked it too, especially when I came, and shot my cum all over her face and neck, giving her a pearl necklace, this was my gift to her.
“Red” liked to also put her underwear on me, and really got excited when she put her bra on me and watched me get hard as a rock, then tease my cock for a bit then start to jack me off.
Looking back, it really did turn me on, and wearing her underwear made me so hard and almost beg her to satisfy me.
Towards the end or this stormy relationship, she insisted that I wear her bra when she sucked or jacked me off
Never ever did I beg her to jack me off, because if she knew that I wanted it, she had in her mind that she won the war between her and the wife.
This would never happen.
More about this story in my next posting.
Now, about today’s activities.
Since it had been a couple of days of restraint, masturbation was on the order of the day.
So, it was the usual stuff, surf, look, stroke, blow my load and orgasm.
The only difference about today's session is that there was no KY put on my cock.
Today it was just dry stroking as I surfed, and even after 15 or so minutes, my cock finally exploded with bang.
It felt really good to get off, but looking back, using a but of gel would have made it a very pleasurable session.
Oh well, I can not put my cum back in and start all over, but it would be nice. Lol
Today’s pics are of some lady that has a body similar to "Reds" (pic #1 is the closest that I could find that looks like her hips and thighs) and the rest of the pics are tits about the same size as "Reds", so they are posted for you to enjoy and put a picture as to what she looked like.
Today, yes, after thinking about all the fun times that she made me cum, I really do miss her playing with my cock on a regular basis, but the temper is not missed, and glad that I am not involved anymore.
"Red" was very high maintenance when it came to satisfying her sexual needs of my cock, and watching it spewing forth it's hot load so that she had all the sexual satisfaction this rather than the wife.
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