Ok, here is the scoop for today.
Yes, I woke up horny, so that is not anything new because I almost always wake up horny, and yes it was as usual to surf the web for pussy pics and get even more hornied up.
So, it was a trip to the bathroom to grab the tube of KY so that I could play with myself and let my hand slide smoothly up and down the length of my shaft and over my cock head.
Then, back into the computer room and continue to surf for pussy pics.
Since it was still early in the day, I was still in my pajamas, so it was easy to let "Little Head" out for some fresh air and a bit of daylight.
Something that he always enjoys and looks forward to.
As usual, once he saw the pussy pics appearing on the computer screen, he got all excited and stood up to get a better look.
Well, once he sees all that nice pussy appearing on screen, he wants to get some action.
So, I am once again obliged to listen to the "Little Head" and apply a small dab of KY to him and start stroking him slowly up and down.
He likes that, and always shows me that he likes it by pulsing a couple of times as the KY is being applied all over my cock head and shaft.
Even though it has only been two says, "Little Head" was very horny, and showed it by wanting to cum within a short period of time and not lot of extended masturbating.
Since he was in control of "Big Head" there was no option to save a few pics to post on the blog.
“Little Head” wanted to blow his load without delay today, and that is what he did, within three minutes of applying the KY, he was spurting out his load onto the towel that was placed in front of him to catch his mess.
As he was spurting out his load, my hand stopped stroking him, and started to quickly squeeze and release “Little Head” to extend and enhance my orgasm.
Because there is no pics from today it is into the archives we delge.
So, I went searching into my archives, and do I have one hell of a huge archive of tits, ass, pussy pics, clams, etc.
You name it, I have pictures of every part of a woman’s body that you can think of, tits, ass, faces, pussy lips, crotch shots, fat and slim ladies, and something for just about everyone stored away.
So, today there are a few pics posted of clams again.
One thing that really turns me on is clam pics, because there is something about the way that it stares back at you and looks so sweet and tasty looking and begging to be eaten.
So, enjoy the posted clams today, for next time it will be some cute ladies faces, or who knows, even pics of spread open pussy lips.
Yes, I thing it will be spread open pussy lips next time.
The possibilities are endless, and the boundaries are limitless as well.
So beware, if your woman pics havebeen posted on any of the link sites in my blog, chances are I have her picture.
Hell, there are pics from a hundred other web sites that are in my collection as well, so one never knows.
Happy jackin’.
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