Wow, it was great to masturbate today.
After logging on and looking at pussy pics for 10 or 15 minutes, it was time to pull "Little Head" out for some fresh air, and a bit of exercise.
He always enjoys it when he can be free of those confining underwear, and just hang free in the breeze.
Off to get the lube, and start this wire pulling event.
A little dab of KY is applied in the palm of my hand, and the stroking began.
After not jerkin' the gherkin for a few days, it sure felt great to feel the wonderful sensation that one gets when their cock is being stroked.
Wonderful pulse after pulse, and the pleasure it cvan give a person.
As the naked ladies pictures changed on my screen, there was many a time that my cock wanted to blow its load, but self control, and over ruling "Little Head" allowed me to massage my sausage and really enjoy this jack off session.
Then this lovely body appears on my screen (pics are posted above), and could not resist it any longer.
After masturbating for 36 minutes, it was hard to hold back.
After only a few strokes, my cock wanted to spew, and then my stroking would stop for about 15 seconds while my cock pulsated, and I savoured the moments of pleasure that ensued.
Then, it was no holds barred as I stroked, and my cock exploded with what seemed like a never ending series of pulses and my hot cum ejaculated into the palm of my hand, filling it to the piont that it overflowed onto the floor.
What a load of cum that was spewed, it must have been a half an ounce.
Oh the pleasure.
As I looked at the nice smooth crotch picture,and that HOT body that she has and gently squeezed "Little Head", it was a very intense orgasm. So intense, that I almost blacked out.
Who could resist jerking off on a lovely body like that, or even having the pleasure of hiding your weenie and humping her until you cum inside of her?
Let me tell you, I could not resist.
It has been a very long time since I had an orgasm that intense and masturbated for this long.
After washing my cock and hands, it was now time to put "Little Head" away until next jack off session.
After a bit of complaining, "Little Head" agreed to be put away until next time.
Now that the mess is all cleaned up, and everything put away, it is time to head out for coffee with the boys.
I am satisfied, really satisfied.
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