Well, you would think that I would know not to bring "Little Head" out for some fresh air, and surf for pussy pics while he is out getting that fresh air and stretch (pun intended).
All it takes is a couple of pics, and he is ready to take action.
Yes, only 5 days into the new year and my first rule is broken, because I spanked the monkey.
After putting some KY on my cock, and thinking that it would be ok to just stroke it for a while, but not blow my load would be a nice treat while surfing.
Well, that plan flew like the Hindenberg.
After a lot of stroking, 35 minutes actually, my cock just had to spew out its jism into the palm of my hand.
The masturbating for a minimum of 20 minutes rule was not broken, but doing it two days in a row was.
When I saw the pics above, that was too much for "Little Head" and he over ruled "Big Head" forcing my hand to keep stroking when it knew that my load was about to burst forth from the opening of my cock.
It was too late now to stop myself from cumming, but it sure felt good.
Who could resist those lovely big tits, and those hangers in the middle.
They are a niece set of knockers, and she has one lucky man in her life that can fondle or suck on them.
Oh well, fun is over for today, so better get my pants pulled up, and get to something more productive.
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