Watching. Watching her. Kneeling at our bed. Ready. Prepared. Anxious. Fearful. Dreadful. Longing. Needing. Her gaze never wavers. Dressing deliberately. Letting me take her beauty in. My clit swells within its encasement. Its chastity cage. Has it been a month? Longer? Since relief? Some relief? Any relief? Please! Straps pass under smooth, milky white thighs. She cinches the straps securely.
No words. Only the eyes. But volumes of information is exchanged.
Then. The moment. The moment just before I cry out in pure joy and love. The excruciatingly painful moment before she takes me. Reminds me. Implores me. Envelopes me in my nature. My feminine sissy nature. That I owe her. Owe her for seeing. Owe her for releasing. Owe her for embracing. Owe her. Owe her. Owe her.
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