Today wifey went out, and it was my time to play.
Like most days when I am alone, or even when wifey is home, I sit in the computer room and surf for hard core porn.
I love to look at the parade of naked women that grace my screen.
So, while taking advantae of this alone time to drop my pants and masturbate, it felt like the right thing to do.
Fetching the tube of KY and a towel, it was now time to settle in at the computer with my pants at my ankles and play with myself.
Once my cock was all lubed up, it was time to begin another masturbation session.
Because it is difficult to remember all the details of every masturbation session, one gets wrapped up in the moment and most small details are soon forgotten or are not absorbed in the old memory banks.
personally, I blame my poor memory on masturbation, as I believe that every time that I ejaculate, a few memory brain cells are ejaculated with each load of cum, thus slowly emptying that part of your brain to make room for less important things like remembering the women that were being looked at while cumming.
What ever the reason, one does forget small details on a lot of things.
So, settling in for a good 20 minutes of masturbation, the time had cum to cum.
Bringing myself to the edge many times before getting to the point that I just had to cum, because I had teased my cock long enough, and it was aching to ejaculate.
So, shortly after the 20 minute mark in this session, I was about to cum.
When the point of no return was reached, it was the usual switch from the stroking motion to the fast squeeze and release action on the head of my cock.
As my load of cum was ejaculating, and I was experiencing a very intense orgasm, all that my eyes could do was stare intently at the image on the screen, and wish that it was a real person in front of me, so as I could actually touch, suck, or lick them.
But that is only wishful thinking, and this is reality.
None the less, it is most enjoyable to masturbate while looking at strange naked women from all walks of life that turn me on the most.
But that has been mentioned some tima ago in one of my postings on what type of women really get me horny, and it sure is not your supermodel, or most Hollywood actreses, it is the average woman with lifes scars and stretchmarks from child bearing, operations, or plain old cellulite that really get my juices flowing.
So, again, these average women have make my masturbation enjoyment that more pleasureable.
Thanks ladies, I look forward to masturbating to more of you again soon.
After cumming in my hand like usual, it was now time to clean up my mess, and put all evidence away so that the things that need to be done for the day can get done without any more delays.
Posted are some nice pictures of various pussies that I was looking at and really turned my crank and gave me a very intense orgasm while masturbating, and I hope that they turn you on and give you as much masturbation and orgasmic pleasure as they gave me.
Happy masturbating.
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