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This is such a sexy and erotic picture.
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Click on image to make LARGER
Love those hangers and that smooth shaven pussy as we look up at her.
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Can you imagine screwing one and eating the other?
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It would be nice to bump up against that repeatedly.
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Click on image to make LARGER
With a face like this cute one, it would be a real pleasure to have it bouncing up and down on your hard cock as she sucks you to orgasm.
Damn, that looks tasty.
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She can lean over my face with that set of knockers any time she wants.
I am sure that my mouth would not complain if her tit fell into it.
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Click on image to make LARGER

She has a very sweet little perky set of tits too.
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One could have a lot of pleasure bouncing into this ass repeatedly as well.
Such a seductive look as well.
Such a seductive look as well.
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Such a sweet perky set of tits that call out to be fondl3ed and sucked.
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Click on image to make LARGER
The image detail is so good that one can see the stubble of her pubic hair that she shaved off recently.
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This hot little number is looking at me like she wants me to dig right in with my face in her pussy.
Another life size image of a tasty looking pair of pussy lips tat are begging to be sucked, licked and played with.
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This last picture is a nice hairy pair of spread pussy lips exposing the vaginal enterance that is just begging to be licked.
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Ok, I love to eat pussy, and would love to eat this one.
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Click on image to make SUPERSIZE
To have my way with each of them would be a real treat.
What a nice selection of pube trims as well, everything from landing strips, clean shaven to non shaven pussies.
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Last night was a difficult night for me.
Not sure what it was, but no matter what I tried, there was no chance for me to fall asleep.
It could have been something on my mind, the few drinks that were consumed earlier in the evening, or that I just was not tired.
All that happened was that I tossed and turned in bed for several hours before finally getting up before I disturbed wifey too much.
That would not be good for me, as she can get very cranky when she is tired, so the only choice there was to ensure that she had a good and restful sleep was to get up for a while and hope that I would eventually get tired enough to finally fall asleep.
Since it was the middle of the night, as watching TV was not too much of an option with out disturbing wifey, I decided to head off to the computer room and surf for a bit of porn and hope that I would eventually get tired.
After settling in while seated at the computer, it was not long before the parade of hot naked women would start to grace my screen.
While these naked women paraded across the screen, my cock began to grow and demand a bit of attention from me.
Pulling my cock out through the fly in my pyjama pants, it needed no coaxing to get hard, so all that was needed from me was to gently play with it as I surfed.
Before long all this playing that I was doing began to make me quite horny.
Taking matters into my own hand, I began to gently stroke myself.
That was all it took to get me going.
The seed was then planted for what was about to happen next.
With my cock enjoying the stroking that it was getting, and as more and more naked women appeared, the faster I began to stoke myself, and the faster I was stoking, the closer I was to cumming.
Not thinking about trying to make a long masturbation session at this point, all that was on my mind was getting myself to cum and nothing else mattered.
Within about 4 minutes of this stroking, my cock was nearing the point of no return, and before I had thought about stopping for a few moments to let things settle out, I was at that point of no return.
No point is stopping now, as my cock was going to ejaculate whether I stopped masturbating or not, so I just continued to stroke away on myself.
Then it happened, my orgasm was beginning to build I tensed every muscle in my body to try and hold back my ejaculation, and that action always heightens my orgasm, and sure enough, it worked again tonight.
Pulse after powerful pulse my cum was ejaculated onto the floor and onto my pyjama pants leg.
In my haste to masturbate, I had not thought about a cloth or towel to catch my load of cum as it was being ejaculated, so all that I could do when I began to cum was let it shoot out onto my pyjama pants leg and the floor.
It felt so damn good to finally have an orgasm.
After my cock stopped twitching from cumming, I was at a loss as to what I would do about the mess that I had just made of my pyjamas and the floor.
Heading to the bathroom, I grabbed the wash cloth that was beside the sink, and after washing my hands and wetting the cloth, I walked back to the computer room where I wiped up the mess on the floor, but it was too late to do anything about the cum that I had shot out onto my pant leg, because it had already soaked into the material by now.Once the mess on the floor was wiped up, it was now time to toss the dirty cloth int the laundry hamper for washing, and log off the computer, as it had been over 2 hours of surfing and masturbating since I first sat down.
My how time flies when one is having fun.
After all that excitement, I was now tired and ready for bed.
Posted above are several pictures that I enjoyed looking at while masturbating and eventually cumming while looking at.
Enjoy them like I did, with your cock in your hand and stroking away like mad.
Happy masturbating.
Not sure what it was, but no matter what I tried, there was no chance for me to fall asleep.
It could have been something on my mind, the few drinks that were consumed earlier in the evening, or that I just was not tired.
All that happened was that I tossed and turned in bed for several hours before finally getting up before I disturbed wifey too much.
That would not be good for me, as she can get very cranky when she is tired, so the only choice there was to ensure that she had a good and restful sleep was to get up for a while and hope that I would eventually get tired enough to finally fall asleep.
Since it was the middle of the night, as watching TV was not too much of an option with out disturbing wifey, I decided to head off to the computer room and surf for a bit of porn and hope that I would eventually get tired.
After settling in while seated at the computer, it was not long before the parade of hot naked women would start to grace my screen.
While these naked women paraded across the screen, my cock began to grow and demand a bit of attention from me.
Pulling my cock out through the fly in my pyjama pants, it needed no coaxing to get hard, so all that was needed from me was to gently play with it as I surfed.
Before long all this playing that I was doing began to make me quite horny.
Taking matters into my own hand, I began to gently stroke myself.
That was all it took to get me going.
The seed was then planted for what was about to happen next.
With my cock enjoying the stroking that it was getting, and as more and more naked women appeared, the faster I began to stoke myself, and the faster I was stoking, the closer I was to cumming.
Not thinking about trying to make a long masturbation session at this point, all that was on my mind was getting myself to cum and nothing else mattered.
Within about 4 minutes of this stroking, my cock was nearing the point of no return, and before I had thought about stopping for a few moments to let things settle out, I was at that point of no return.
No point is stopping now, as my cock was going to ejaculate whether I stopped masturbating or not, so I just continued to stroke away on myself.
Then it happened, my orgasm was beginning to build I tensed every muscle in my body to try and hold back my ejaculation, and that action always heightens my orgasm, and sure enough, it worked again tonight.
Pulse after powerful pulse my cum was ejaculated onto the floor and onto my pyjama pants leg.
In my haste to masturbate, I had not thought about a cloth or towel to catch my load of cum as it was being ejaculated, so all that I could do when I began to cum was let it shoot out onto my pyjama pants leg and the floor.
It felt so damn good to finally have an orgasm.
After my cock stopped twitching from cumming, I was at a loss as to what I would do about the mess that I had just made of my pyjamas and the floor.
Heading to the bathroom, I grabbed the wash cloth that was beside the sink, and after washing my hands and wetting the cloth, I walked back to the computer room where I wiped up the mess on the floor, but it was too late to do anything about the cum that I had shot out onto my pant leg, because it had already soaked into the material by now.Once the mess on the floor was wiped up, it was now time to toss the dirty cloth int the laundry hamper for washing, and log off the computer, as it had been over 2 hours of surfing and masturbating since I first sat down.
My how time flies when one is having fun.
After all that excitement, I was now tired and ready for bed.
Posted above are several pictures that I enjoyed looking at while masturbating and eventually cumming while looking at.
Enjoy them like I did, with your cock in your hand and stroking away like mad.
Happy masturbating.
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