Can you believe it?It has been a whole week and I have not had my cock in hand or masturbated in a whole week.
But I will tell you, I am as horny as a three puckered owl right now.
Unfortunately I can not masturbate at this time.
See, wifey is home, and I am not too sure that she would get off on catching me or watching me sit here at my computer with my cock in my hand and masturbating.
She has a good sense of humor, but that is pushing the limits just a wee bit too far.
But if I did have a few minutes alone and she just happened to go out, my cock would be in my hands so fast, it would make your head spin.
Just looking at these pictures posted here today, make me so horny, that I am really tempted to just say “To Hell with it” and just pull out my cock and start to stroke away.
But what I think I will do, is see if I can get wifey to do it for me.
That sounds like a great plan.
So, will let you know what happens later tonight.
For now, just enjoy the pictures, as I know that I sure will when I get the chance to be alone and have a long masturbation session.
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