Well, after the last week and being knocked down by the flu bug, it was touch and go for survival.
Well, not quite that bad, but that is the way one feels when they are taken down by the flu.
Anyway, today after waking up and feeling like a human again, it was time to log on, and surf the pussy pics so that "Little Head" could have some action.
He felt neglected the last week , so it was a treat for him today.
So after the pussy pics started to appear on my sc4reen, it was time to pull "Little Head" out for sme air and a stretch.
He sprang to attention just at the thought of being able to hang on the breeze for a while, and when the KY showed up , well, he started to throb with pleasure.
So, a nice dab was placed on my palm, and generously applied to the head and shaft of my now super hard cock.
A few strokes, and pleasure pulse after pleasure pulse showed the satisfaction that was about to cum.
Since it was the first time in a week that I have pulled my wire, it was going to be a nice long 20 minute jack off session.
As the sweet looking ladies appeard on my screen, and my gentle stroking, "Little Head" liked this so much, he wanted to blow his wad right then and there.
But that was not about to happen, this was to be a long and enjoyable session today.
So, more pussy pics, and hot looking ladies appear, and before long, 20 minutes had passed.
"Little Head" was so anxious to spew forth its hot load, that it started to pulse very rapidly, and oh, the feeling that was being felt made me feel so good.
Then it happened, my cock exploded its load into the palm of my hand.
Pulse after pulse my load spewed out, and as mu cock was pulsing to orgasm, my hand was gently squeezing and releasing in rapid succession on "Little Head" and he like this feeling, and spewed out a few more pulses of hot cum.
Such an intense orgasm after abstaining the past week.
Next, it was time to clean up, and "Little Head" was wiped down to remove all the cum so he couldm be put away clean and dry, dry of cum, and spent by unloading cum into my palm.
He was so limp looking, that it was tempting to stroke him back to life, but it is better to leave sleeping "Little Heads" lie.
Posted today are only a few pictures of hot women.
An assortment for all to enjoy, just as I have enjoyed spanking my monkey to, you can too, and should do, since it is a natural thing to do, and something we all enjoy, having an orgasm.
So go ahead, pull out your "Little Head" and start to stroke it to orgasm.
I know you want to, so as Nike says, "Just do it".
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