Well, I must apologize for my absence of postings here over the past while.
Over the past month, I have been in and out of town, and spending quite a few nights in Red’s home town and unable to get much time alone to update and post to the blog.
Yes, Red and I did get together as many times as we could whenever I was in her town.
Like always, Red really knows how to take care of my hard cock, and treat it with all the tenderness one could give while beating it senseless and into an ejaculation and orgasmic state.
Whenever we got together for some masturbation pleasure, I always made sure that I had my camera in hand to record those most pleasurable moments that we were together naked, and enjoying each others body.
While we were having our fun, I think that I have made Red another member of the masturbators club.
To ensure that she had some pleasure while pleasuring me, I would always offer to play with her clit as she played with my hard cock.
Red was really not into it that much at first, but the more I asked and talked her into letting me masturbate her, she really started to turn around in her attitude towards it.
The last number of times that we were together, she would greet me totally naked as I walked in.
Entering her place first time it was a bit of a surprise, but I learned to adapt and expect it.
We have also advanced in what we do while masturbating each other as well.
Red knows that I love to look at hard core porn, and when she told me that she wanted me to look at porn on the internet while she masturbated me really caught me off guard to say the least.
I was a bit reluctant at first to surf for porn as she masturbated me, but I soon got over the apprehension, and now it is an almost regular thing when we have our mutual masturbation sessions.
I know that Red really loves to have her clit rubbed, and I always ensure that she gets off many, many times before she finally gets me off, and it also gives me a lot of time to surf and look at a lot of naked women before she finally brings me to orgasm and ejaculation.
While surfing as I was being masturbated also gave Red a chance to see a lot of different women that have all the battle scars of life, scars from operations, stretch marks, and every other form of battle scar that there is, and started to appreciate the hot sexy body that she has.
As a matter of fact, she once again shocked the shit out of me one day a week or so back and told me that she wanted to have me post her naked pictures on a website for her.
I was almost ready to tell her that I have been posting them here for over a year now, but thought better of it for the time being.
Anyway, we did manage to open an account on a website so that we could post some of her pictures.
We decided to post several pictures of her in various poses over a couple of get togethers.
Red became very excited as I worked on getting our pictures together and writing up a headline and short information story before finally posting those pictures.
Then a couple of days ago, I put everything together, uploaded the pictures to the website, and well, let’s put it this way.
The response to her pictures was overwhelming to say the least.
Every comment on her pictures was very positive, and Red got really excited that so many men out in the world really appreciate looking at battle scarred overweight women.
This gave her a real moral and self esteem booster that she now wants to have many, many more pictures taken and posted for all her fans to see.
Yes, she does have some fans already after just one set of her pictures being posted.
Red now wants to get together as soon as possible to satisfy her fans, and me of course, then let me take a new set of pictures to post with her in various stages of dress, poses, and of course some pictures of her holding my cock as she masturbates me.
That challenge I am really looking forward to real soon.
But in the mean time, I am going to have a real challenge putting all the pictures of Red and me onto the blog.
To make things easy, I will post the pictures in a few entries to allow me some time to arrange them for posting and uploading.
Since uploading will take a while, it will be over a day or two to get things onto the blog.
Over the past month, I have had many pleasurable orgasms by Red, and gave her many, many more pleasurable orgasms than she gave me, but that is only because women can have many more multiple orgasms than men.
Now that I have her hooked as a masturbator, I look forward to many more mutual masturbation sessions, complete with lots of pictures, and videos too.
In the mean time, I will get things together for uploading all the pictures for all you bloggers to check out and masturbate to.
Not that things are settled down for a while and I will be back at home working, blog entries will be more often.
Enjoy today’s pictures, and happy masturbating.