Today after awaking very horny again this morning, it was a long wait before wifey had managed to get her act together and head off to work.
With a chance to be alone again today, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to catch up on some porn surfing, and a little masturbation.
Once wifey had driven away, I waited a few minutes as usual, just in case she returned for something that she might have forgotten and catch me in the computer room with my pants at my ankles, cock in hand masturbating while looking at other women….hard core porn with naked ladies exposing their genitalia for all the world to see.
This I know for sure would really upset the wife, as most women don’t want their husbands or partners to masturbate while looking at other naked women.
They all think that the men do not find them attractive or sexy by masturbating to these other women, but that is not the case, my wife is very sexy in her own way, but it is nice to look at someone else once in a while and masturbate.
Here I am getting side tracked again, so back to my story.
After waiting for that short time for wifey to commute to work, it was off to get that tube of KY, a towel and head back to the computer where my pants were at my ankles, and my hard cock was in my hand.
Placing a small dab of KY onto the head of my cock, I settled in for a long masturbation session.
This 3rd session in as many days seemed to be just what I needed.
Surfing and stroking seem to go hand in hand.
Today being a relaxed day, there were no pressing issues that needed to be taken care of, so I could enjoy a long and undisturbed masturbation session.
The more I surfed and stroked, the more it seemed that today was not going to be one of the better masturbation sessions.
Perhaps because this was my third session in as many days, my cock just didn’t seem to feel or enjoy the pleasure that I had the day before.
There was no real pleasure as I masturbated, and it seemed as if I was just going through the motions just out of habit.
Sitting and surfing for porn while masturbating is what I usually do, and perhaps I am getting bored with this, and need to expand my masturbation horizons.
Perhaps I need to have a second party that is willing to mutually satisfy each other.
Something like another woman sitting on my face as I eat her pussy and she is either sucking my cock, or masturbating me.
Hell, even just another woman to masturbate as I masturbate, and we just watch each other do their own thing.
No matter what, I do need to find other things to raise my stimulation level.
But today as I sat and masturbated, it was enjoyable, but not to the level it was the day before, because I kept stopping my stroking actions and just surfed.
In my attempt to finally get to orgasm, I sat at the computer for almost a full hour, and when I finally did reach the point that I was going to orgasm and ejaculate, the pleasure was just not there.
The orgasm did not have much intensity, and I had to really work at getting to that point.
None the less, I ejaculated into a towel that was placed in front of me, between the computer desk and my chair.
When I started to ejaculate today, I just kept on stroking away while my ejaculate spewed into the towel that was in front of me.
It was a change from the squeeze and release action that I normally do when I cum.
Stroking while ejaculating seemed like a nice change, the orgasmic intensity just wasn’t there.
No matter, today (Sunday as I write this entry) is a day of rest because wifey is home on her days off, and I don’t think she would like it if she were to see me in here masturbating to those hard core pornographic images that I usually look at.
Hell, she would not be happy to even catch me masturbating because she likes to masturbate me, or even watch me masturbate while we lay in bed at night.
If she were to catch me laying in bed and masturbating, she would really enjoy catching me in the act, as that is something she would be able to handle a lot easier than looking at other naked women and masturbating.
Just last night before we went to bed, she asked me if I was up to a bit of action, but I was exhausted from the night before where I was out late, and then awaking early Saturday morning, then masturbating, I really don’t think my cock would be able to handle the task, so I had to decline a hand job from the wife.
Who knows, perhaps tonight she might offer again, and my cock might be up to the task.
If so, it will be logged here for all to read.
Today I have posted a few pictures that really got my cock to take notice of as I was masturbating.
This lady has a very sexy body, and I just had to cum while looking at her pictures, especially the close up ones of those big lips sticking out between her legs.
To have a chance to suck on them would be a real pleasure I am sure.
So, enjoy these pictures like I did, and hope that your orgasm is intense and a pleasurable experience.
Happy jackin’.