Well, I had 15 minutes of free time, and guess what?
I had to do it.
Log on, open my web browsre, and first thing i go to is my favorite site.
Well, after looking at a few posts, out comes my little friend, and before long, he is a big friend. Staring at me with that big eye, and says, "I want to puke all over you"
I have to oblige, after all, it is him that does all my thinking.
So, I start to stroke him, and he likes that.
A few pulses, and then more pulses, and before you know it, he pukes.
It must have been that nice fat juicy pussy that was on the screen at the time that made him sick.
Bit I know I sure enjoyed it.
Now he is all nicely tucked away in his room, sleeping until next time.
Well, I looked at the rest of the days entries, and enjoyed what was there to see.
Guess it is coffee time now, so off to see the boys and chat about whatever the subject of the day is.
I know it will not be masterbating, but then again, it could be.
My buddy says some strange things a times, and makes me wonder.
Another friend tells me about his masterbating all the time. And they say men never do it....well, never openly admit it anyway, as all men do it, I don't care who they are, or any of that other crap they feed you, they will never admit it.
It is a fact of life, just like breathing or eating, all men masterbate, period!
So, until larer, when I get that tingle in my bone, 15 minutes of free time, and access to my website to do the deed.